The Granitzhaus Information Centre, Rügen
Date: 10/2017 – 04/2019
Location: Rügen
Client: Biosphärenreservatsamt Südost-Rügen
molitor was responsible for designing, planning and installing the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve’s new permanent exhibition in the Granitzhaus near Binz on Rügen. The aim of the exhibition is to teach visitors about the special characteristics, tasks and objectives of the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve.
The highlight of the exhibition is an interactive 3D terrain model that illustrates the development of the area in the southeast of the island.
Different aspects of the region’s history are explained by audio commentary together with colourful and graphic animations. Panels on the surrounding walls can be opened, revealing descriptions of the flora and fauna of the region.
Meanwhile, visitors to the “treasure chamber” can admire special regional items selected on the basis of recommendations from locals, experts and rangers. These include a model of an old thatched house and a spinning wheel.
Fotos: © Katharina Weber/molitor