Some were neighbours
Date: 09/2018 – 01/2019
Location: Berlin
Client: United Holocaust Museum - Washington
molitor was responsible for designing, planning and installing the travelling exhibition “Some were Neighbors: Collaboration & Complicity in the Holocaust” for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
The exhibition, previously shown only in the USA, was presented for the first time in Germany in January and February 2019 on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism.
The aim of this exhibition is to explore the motives and pressures that influenced the decisions and behaviour of individuals during the Holocaust, as well as to examine how people reacted to the plight of their Jewish classmates, colleagues, neighbours and friends. Such behaviour ranged from cautious signs of solidarity with the victims to active rescue attempts, and from tolerating anti-Semitic measures to willingly cooperating with or joining the perpetrators.
Photos: © Christian Schuck/molitor