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Deutsches Museum Munich

Date: 04/2019 – 03/2022

Location: Deutsches Museum, München

Client: Deutsches Museum München

Phase one of extensive renovation work to the Deutsches Museum in Munich is now complete: the first part of the building and its permanent exhibitions opened to the public on 8 July 2022. Visitors to the city’s Museumsinsel can now see and experience a state-of-the-art museum across an area of approx. 20,000 m2. Refurbishment of the second half of the building is currently underway and is expected to be finished in 2028.
molitor was responsible for the design and presentation of the light to medium-weight objects in seven of the exhibition areas.
The various exhibits on display range from moles in the “Agriculture” section, to pacemakers and surgical needles in the “Health” section, to typewriters and a Gutenberg Bible in the “Image Script Codes” section – meaning that mounting solutions needed to be developed for objects of vastly different sizes, weights and shapes.

The exhibit installation team produced and installed almost all mounts on site. Some objects are mounted with 1 mm thin spring steel, which allows for particularly delicate presentation, with the object in the foreground and the mount either barely visible or not visible at all.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, an elegant holder needed be designed for an exhibit in the “Electronics” section with a weight of 120 kg. The object is a bottle-shaped ingot made of single-crystal silicon, which needed to look as though it were floating. The challenge was therefore to hold the exhibit as discreetly as possible from behind, while still making sure it was stable.
In total, molitor was responsible for the presentation of more than 2,500 objects in the exhibition sections “Health”, “Electronics”, “Mathematics”, “Image Script Codes”, “Photography and Film”, and “Agriculture and Food”.

Fotos: ©Chris Bierl

molitor berlin