Conspiracy theories – then and now
Date: 03/2018 – 04/2019
Location: Lichtenau-Dalheim
Client: Stiftung Kloster Dalheim
molitor was responsible for designing, planning and installing the new special exhibition “Conspiracy Theories – Then and Now” at the Westphalian State Museum of Monastic Culture (LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkulturen) in Lichtenau-Dalheim.
Conspiracy theories are more popular today than ever before – and in the era of social media, fake news is also having a heyday.
But conspiracy theories, caught as they are between fact, half-fact and fiction, have been a recurring phenomenon ever since the Middle Ages.
This exhibition delves into the history of conspiracy theories from the past nine centuries and examines their impact. The aim of the exhibition is to raise awareness of the topic and to show how conspiracy theories emerge, how they function, and how they can be debunked.
Fotos: © Hannah Opitz/molitor