Grafschaftsmuseum Wertheim

Leander Personenleitsystem
Leander Personenleitsystem
Leander Personenleitsystem





Grafschaftsmuseum Wertheim


Grafschaftsmuseum Wertheim

The buildings adjacent to the Grafschaftsmuseum, the “Alten Rathaus” (Old Town Hall) and the “Haus der Vier Gekrönten” (House of the Four Crowned Ones), cover more than 2,200 m2 and house a nationally significant collection that documents the cultural history of the town and former county of Wertheim. In addition to numerous permanent exhibitions and sections on local folklore, paintings are also on display by the famous North German painter Otto Modersohn (1865–1943) and his circle of contemporaries.

A new interactive media table has now been added to the permanent exhibition. molitor was responsible for planning and supplying the technology, as well as for the screen design and programming in collaboration with Grenzfarben. The media table allows visitors to learn in an interactive way about the history and workings of Wertheim Castle.

Fotos: © molitor GmbH, Sara Scholl

molitor berlin